
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Day 4: Thu 29 June, 2023

Parallel program ICAF2023 Summer School Day 1

Reflecting on the physics of fatigue and the physics of damage tolerance

Location: De Veste Theatre 
09:00 Welcome & General Introduction René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
09:10 Introduction to Fatigue & Damage Tolerance in Aeronautics René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
10:20 Coffee break  
10:50 Fatigue life and crack growth prediction for metals and fibre laminates René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
11:40 Reflection on the pysics of fatigue and the pysics of damage tolerance René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
12:20 Lunch break  
13:20 Analysis and prediction of fatigue fracture in adhesives and composites John-Alan Pascoe (TUD, NL)
15:10 Coffee break  
15:40 Progress in composites interlaminar fatigue fracture analysis John-Alan Pascoe (TUD, NL)
16:15 Role of Engineering stresses in fatigue Daniele Fanteria (Univesita di Pisa)
17:30 End of day  
               19:00 Barbecue at TU Delft sport centre X

[ Sun Jun 25] [ Mon Jun 26] [ Tue Jun 27] [ Wed Jun 28] [ Thu Jun 29] [ Fri Jun 30] [compact]

08:30   Topical National Review by Yuval Freed & Eric Lindgren
09:00   Session 16; Digital engineering III
Chair: David Hallam
20 mins
System-search Meso-scale models to analyse the interactions of damage modes in composites laminates
Sara Ghiasvand, Alessandro Airoldi, Giuseppe Sala, Pietro Aceti, Pietro Ballarin, Andrea Baldi, Emanuele Mesiani
20 mins
System-search A holistic digital twin for service life extension programs
Javier Gomez-Escalonilla, Fernando Sanchez, Oscar Valencia, Manuel J Rebollo
20 mins
System-search Model based engineering approach in aeronautical fatigue and structural integrity testing
Shawn You, Shawn Gao
10:00   Pitches 3 best posters, voting and award ceremony
Chair: Marcel Bos
10:20   Break
10:50   Topical National Review by Min Liao & Michel Guillaume
11:20   Session 17: Probabilistic modelling and risk analysis 
Chair: Michael Gorelik
20 mins
System-search Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis using adaptive multiple importance sampling
Juan Ocampo, Nathan Crosby, Harry Millwater, Michael Reyer, Sohrob Mottaghi, Marv Nuss, Christopher Hurst, Beth Gamble
20 mins
System-search Probabilistic lifing of a second oversize hole modification
Guillaume Renaud, Éric Dionne, Min Liao
20 mins
System-search Practical application of structural risk assessment with SMART|DT
Viola Ferrari, Min Liao, Michea Ferrari, Michel Guillaume
12:20   Lunch
13:20   Topical National Review by Ben Main & Michael Gorelik
13:50   Session 18: Airworthiness considerations II
Chair: Laurent Touzet
20 mins
System-search Design and experimental validation of a MDAF bonded structure fail safe damage arrest concept
David Bardenstein, Iddo Kressel, Alex Lukatsky, Zvi Deutch, Noam Shemesh, Stephen Clay, Brian Smyers, Philip Knoth
20 mins
System-search Characterization of MSD in emerging metallic structures in fuselage lap joints
Kevin Stonaker, Terry Zhang, John Bakuckas, Mike Kulak, Kimberly Maciejewski, Walt Sippel, Fabricio Fanton, Carlos Chaves, Paul Jonas
20 mins
System-search Bonded repair size limit studies of representation composite wing panel
Reewanshu Chadha, John Bakuckas, John Lin, Tim Labik, Michael Fleming, Erick Espinar-Mick
20 mins
System-search Machine learning requirements for the airworthiness of structural health monitoring systems in aircraft
Haroun El Mir, Stephen King, Martin Skote, Suresh Perinpanayagam
15:10   Break
15:40   Session 19: Full-scale fatigue testing II
Chair: Zlatan Kapidzic
20 mins
System-search Experimental strength and fatigue assessment of a disbonded F/A-18A/B/C/D inner wing step lap joint
Eric Dionne, David Backman, C. André Beltempo, Stéphane Brunet, Benjamin B. Bolduc
20 mins
System-search Rigid loading accelerates full-scale aircraft fatigue test
Jianjun Zheng, Mengmeng Wang Wang, Lei Zhang Zhang, Wei Zhang Zhang
20 mins
System-search Crack bridging effect in hybrid reinforced fuselage structure
Mathias Renner, Ömer Namdar, Derk Daverschot
20 mins
System-search Bell 525 Vertical Fin / Aft Fuselage and Tailboom Composite/Metallic Hybrid Certification Fatigue Testing
André Beltempo, Patrick Langlois, Alain Colle, John Rogers
17:00   Closure
Chair: Rene Alderliesten and Marcel Bos
19:00   Summer School BBQ at TUDelft Sport Center X