General info - International recognition

International recognition

In 2018 ICAF has received the ICAS von Karman Award for International Collaboration in Aeronautics, in recognition of the multi-national world-wide work over almost seven decades to ensure the safe flight of both civil and military aircraft.
This award was established in 1980 in memory of Theodore von Karman, a leading figure in the foundation of ICAS, the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, and an outstanding proponent of international collaboration in the aeronautical sciences.

International recognition ICAS von Karman award

International recognition munt ICAS von Karman International recognition munt ICAS von Karman

A similar prize, the Cristoforo Colombo International Communication Award, was presented to ICAF in 1980 by the City of Genoa in Italy.

International recognition munt Christoforo Colombo International recognition munt Christoforo Colombo